Founded by Marin Organic, the first annual National Gleaning Day was on September 20, 2010 – 6 months after the birth of Faith Feeds.  Marin’s wanted to unite communities, farms and schools across the nation for a day of harvesting healthy food for kids as a part of Project Lunch Week.

Check out Faith Feeds under their “Past Gleaners page.  Most of the participants are on the west coast where Marin Organic is located.  We find few gleaners in the middle-america states and Kentucky is proud to lead the way.  We want to see the Faith Feeds|GleanKY model replicated all across the state.

Lexington Farmers’ Market

This year, National Gleaning Day was Sunday, September 30th, our last day of regular gleaning at our Farmers’ Markets.  In our third season of gleaning, we have redirected over 150,000 pounds of fresh produce from being waste to being meals for thousands of hungry families in Central KY.

We celebrate National Gleaning Week as we continue to glean at Reed Valley Orchard (RVO) through November.

Please join us this Friday, October 5 to glean Reed Valley Orchard in Paris, KY.  We will leave Lexington at 9 a.m. and be done by noon.  You can meet us there, caravan, or carpool.  Contact if interested in joining our volunteers. 

We will glean at RVO every Monday and Friday morning through November.