Is that produce still edible? Don’t throw it out!
Glean Kentucky recovers fruit and vegetables that would otherwise go to waste from
grocery stores, farms, orchards, markets, home or community gardens, and other sources.
The food we rescue is never sold but distributed for free to hunger programs across
the Commonwealth. We’ll pick it up!

If you or your business regularly throws away excess edible produce — no matter the quantity — consider setting up a regular weekly time for Glean Kentucky to harvest or pick it up. Also keep us in mind if you have a one-time or occasional produce donation. In most circumstances, we can have volunteers on-site within 48 hours.
Why Donate Excess Produce?
- It provides an outlet for produce that can’t be sold due to surplus, unmarketability, imperfections, weather, or shortages of time and staff.
- You save time and resources by letting us harvest and transport produce for you.
- You may be eligible for a Federal Enhanced Tax Deduction or Noncash Charitable Contributions Federal Tax Deduction.
- You can feel safe donating excess fresh produce because federal and state laws protect your donation.
How It Works
As a produce grower, you’ll need to fill out a quick source application so we’ll have all the information we need. After that, Glean Kentucky will contact you to determine:
- produce quantity and quality
- your desired pick-up or harvest dates
- parking availability and other logistics
Volunteers wearing Glean Kentucky gear will pick up the produce. They are given an orientation about your business, why the produce is being donated, and any special instructions or safety guidelines for pick-up or harvest. All volunteers sign a liability waiver that covers you, your site and Glean Kentucky.
At the end of the year, Glean Kentucky will provide you with an accurate record of the produce weight you donated.
Who Donates To Glean Kentucky?
Take a look at farms and businesses that are already donating fresh fruits and vegetables through Glean Kentucky. Email us if your farm or business should be listed.