NoWasteNoHungerToday Kentucky participates in its first KY Gives Day.

Organized by KY Nonprofit Network [KNN] and hosted by, more than 360 charitable organizations are participating in this state-wide event.

If you can, please make a donation TODAY in support of Faith Feeds at

We have a matching grant opportunity and incentives from KNN to earn more – all based on the number of people who give today.

Please ask 2 of your friends to support along with you the only gleaning organization in our region.  

No Waste.  No Hunger.

Our volunteers, have saved almost 200,000 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables from waste and donated almost 800,000 serving of fruits and vegetables to our 1 in 6 who struggle with hunger.

2 billion people could be fed for a year with the amount of food America wastes each year!

Food waste in America accounts for 1/4 of all freshwater consumption; 300 million barrels of oil a year.

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