Photo credit: www.dancingtheland.com
Whether at the farmers market, in the back of the grocery store, or on the farm – wherever you find food waste happening, you’ll likely find GleanKY. Now, you might even find us at your CSA pickup. This season, we’ve started gleaning two CSA programs in Lexington – one at Growing Together Preschool and the other at the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Center.
There are a number of reasons why gleaning CSAs makes sense. When CSA shareholders miss their weekly pickup, that food might then be wasted. Or sometimes shareholders pickup their box and decide they can’t use certain items. Each week, we’ll be collecting any unclaimed CSA shares as well as any produce items that shareholders choose to donate. The produce will then be redistributed to places like The Well – a home for women survivors of sexual exploitation, addiction and homelessness – and FoodChain, which will use the produce for their educational cooking programs.
Of course, this would not be possible without the farmers who are supporting these CSAs: Lazy Eight Stock Farm, Elmwood Stock Farm, Rootbound Farm, and Sustainable Harvest Farm. Thank you all!