We would like to spread the word about a local CSA (community supported agriculture) program called Fresh Stop. It is based out of First Presbyterian Church downtown on Market Street and receives fruits and vegetables weekly from a local farmer and orchard to distribute to their CSA members. The great thing about this program is for every 3 CSA memberships, a membership is given to someone in need who otherwise cannot afford this fresh and nutritious food, all while supporting out local economy. We have used this CSA and enjoyed the quality and quantity of the produce. If you are looking at joining a CSA, please consider this option.
Fresh Stop is a liaison of Faith Feeds. Through this connection with Fresh Stop and God’s Pantry, we were able to collect 1000 pounds of “left-over” winter squash at the end of the 2010 season instead of it going on the compost pile. It is all about making connections, being good stewards of our resources and helping those in need.
You can learn more at: