Gleaning Works; the board of Faith Feeds wants to make sure the program continues strong and is sustainable. One way to be sustainable is through fundraising – this year, Faith Feeds|GleanKY joined the fundraising effort of the GoodGiving Guide Challenge.
Gleaning volunteers have collected over 91 tons of fresh fruit and vegetables and delivered them to thousands of people in need through hunger programs and neighborhood partners.
Here is a story about how our volunteers help the pounds grow.
“I used to teach in a school that had a large population of students on free and reduced lunches,” said Kera. “I saw kids hungry. We did what we could to send food home and make connections in the community through the family resource center, but I always thought if I could just teach them how to grow their own food…”
The Ackerman family loves their edible garden. They decided to get chickens to provide compost for the garden and fresh, organic eggs for their children.
Kera Ackerman attended Your Edible Garden, a learn-how-to-grow edible garden workshop sponsored by Faith Feeds|GleanKY. She soon became a gleaner for Faith Feeds and helped collect excess fresh produce the farmers did not sell and donated the gleanings to people in need through hunger programs.
At Your Edible Garden, Kera also learned about Plant a Row for the Hungry. Once again her family took up the challenge. Daughters, Anna and Claire, planted vegetables in their garden specifically to donate to those in need of nutritious food. In spite of the drought and hot temperatures this growing season, a late August harvest of beans, okra, peppers and tomatoes were donated to the Ohio Street Neighborhood.
Kera’s husband, Tom Ackerman, is a local celebrity as a meteorologist at LEX 18. Now their chickens are about to become famous too! Watch out Tom, you might have competition!
Kera and Tom want to help by giving donors an incentive to make a gift to Faith Feeds|GleanKY this year through the GoodGiving Guide Challenge. If you donate at least $25 through the GoodGiving Guide Challenge, you will be eligible to win a dozen fresh, local CELEBRITY Chicken Eggs! For each $25 dollars donated, you will get one entry in the drawing. This challenge starts [TODAY] Wednesday, December 12 and ends Saturday, December 15.
As the days get shorter, chickens slow their egg production. “I notified the ladies of the need for eggs,” reported Kera, “and they have stepped up production!” What fine philanthropic chickens!
The Ackermans have 4 hens; three named after the state flowers of places they have lived. Scarlett (Ohio’s Scarlet Carnation) is a White Rock and lays pinkish brown eggs. Violet (Wisconsin’s Wood Violet) is an Easter Egger and lays greenish-blue eggs. Goldie (Kentucky’s Goldenrod) is a Buff Orpington and lays light brown eggs.
Their fourth hen, Freebie, has a special story. Freebie is a Rhode Island Red and lays brown eggs. Her name is Freebie because she was given to them ‘free’ by the hatchery as part of their ‘meal maker’ program. When requested, Meyer Hatchery will send an extra hen in the shipment to lay or be raised to butchering age with the intent that her meat or eggs will be given to those in need. In the spring when Freebie is laying full size eggs, her eggs will be donated to one of the local food providers.
You can’t have chickens without a home for them, so Tom built a great coop with recycled wood Kera’s dad had been storing in his barn. You might want to copy this great coop design for your own backyard chickens!
They grow, they glean and they donate their harvest, their time and their money to support a great cause – helping their neighbors in need.
The Ackermans are all celebrities to us as they have embraced every part of Faith Feeds’ mission to ease hunger in our community by providing fresh produce.
This is Faith Feeds|GleanKY.
Update 12/18/12: Congratulations Nicole Breazeale-Johnson! Your name was selected to receive a dozen celebrity chicken eggs! Thank you for your donation to Faith Feeds!