Ahh… February. It was just a year ago I began my adventures with GleanKY. What a wonderful year it has been! I am still so floored by the turnout of supporters during our year end giving campaign. We really rocked Good Giving Challenge. We grew our glean league some. We met new people near and far who believe in what we do.


Now we are closer to our growing season than we are from last year’s end. We have taken the time to take in our inventory of supplies and have found we need several items. From a new wagon to gloves and to other supplies (including fuel). Fayette County is our year round program. This past year has taught me a lot about dedication. Our volunteers and staff have been dedicated to glean excess fruits and vegetables and deliver it to our local agencies, no matter the weather (shout out to our Program Director, Ben, who gleaned in the -20 degree windchill!).



Whether we are in Kentucky’s growing season or not, the need continues. I ask that you remember GleanKY, not just during the growing season or season of giving, but also while we work in the “off season” and prepare for the year.